Beverly Bushyhead

Beverly Bushyhead is an enrolled member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. Bev believes knowledge is power and delights in sharing information that empowers others. Beverly has a passion and commitment to cultural strength, resilience and the development of leadership through that lens. Bev has a knack for clarifying issues so they can be better understood and addressed through collaboration. She bridges cross-cultural communication toward solutions that strengthen community. Bev earned two masters degrees in Public Administration and Nonprofit Management at Hamline University. Beverly is a certified Social Justice Facilitator. She provides board leadership with Pollen Midwest, Native American Community Development Institute (NACDI), in addition she serves on the Urban Indian Advisory Board of the Minnesota Indian Affairs Council and the Cultural and Ethnic Community Leadership Council appointed by the Minnesota DHS State Commissioner. She is a book club and community band member. Bev lives in St. Paul, MN.